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Arjen Pasma

Homeopathic Heritage (Editor in chief Farokh Master)
An interesting free homeopathic journal,
Issue January 2025

Dr Joel Furman Nutritional Science
- A great lecture about a healthy diet to avoid cancer and many other "modern"diseases video
Homoeopathy at Wellie Level (Teaching homeopathy to farmers)
- This is a not-for-profit organisation based in the UK, teaching farmers and smallholders the responsible use of homeopathy on their animals. They offer several Online courses. For more information visit their website

Liesbeth Ellinger - Veterinarian: On-site Course the use of homeopathie for farmers
- Since many years the veterinarian Liesbeth Ellinger teaches 3-days courses to livestock farmers, how to use homeopathy for their animars for common occuring problems. She has also published a book with (in paper Dutch and English available) with the titel "Homeopathy for Cattle. Goats and Sheep - an introduction". For more information about the course see the website www.centaurea.nl Liesbeth also teaches other courses to homeopathic students and professionals in classroom or via webinar. If you are intersted for her to teach at your organisation, please contact her.

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