Dr Veneeth Sidharthan:
Online course III
Core analysis and prescribing:

Another great course based on a two day seminar held on Nov 2024 in the Netherlands. During this course Dr Veneeth uses many infertility case examples to illustrate in detail the Core Analysis method.

It is a deepening of the theory he has already discussed in Course II. The correct evaluation of symptoms is essential to arrive at the Core of the case, and to make a successful prescription.

Veneeth says: "We do not need new theories or methods, and we do not need 3000 new poorly proven remedies". If we understand and apply correctly what Hahnemann taught us about 250 years ago, we can have up to 90% succes rate (meaning a considerable improvement or a full cure). An experienced homeopath can go up to 95%, and a real master can achieve 98% succes.

During this course about 20 male and female infertility cases are discussed which will illustrate how essential it is to prescribe on the Core of the case.

Click here to go to the course
and view the course trailer


For an impressions of a few of Dr Veneeth's previous seminars.

I enjoyed Dr Veneeth Online course - "masterclasses" very much!

They were explained in a very simple way and easy to understand. The experience with cases he shares is priceless, and I felt the Vithoulkas school behind him also.  And there is a course moderator available for any questions.
A great course !!

Maria Kurilova

I finished the online course, and I found it fantastic, what a brilliant man. I hope soon more courses will come available of him.

Dr Jan de Wachter

Working 40yrs as classical homeopath in Belgium



Experiences of a participant of Veneeths' course

The Course of Dr. Veneeth Sidharthan was amazing. It unlocks each cases simply according to Hahnemanian way.  Dr Veneeth was also my mentor in my early practice. This was an excellent course which teaches the basic steps to follow to solve cases. A lot of skin cases are there with proper guidance. The course moderator was also excellent, because he gave guidance when  I had an issue. I find it a great course for everybody who seek to learn Classical Homoeopathy.

Dr. Majitha


I found Veneeth's course very interesting. It gives insight and confidence in the classical homeopathic approach. That both serious and less serious pathology can be treated effectively with the already known homeopathic remedies. I realize again that you have to observe very well and translate to the correct repertory headings. Correct repertorying is also essential.

Lisette Frijters



 I found Dr Vineeth's course very interesting especially because it is all based on actual cases with follow up evidence.

Dr Veneeth shows proof that homoeopathy does work wonders in complicated, long standing and often hopeless cases such as in thyroid cancer, brain tumors and infertility.

The course teaches us how to be a keen observer of small details, habits, behavior and how to translate it into repertory rubrics. And Dr Veneeth shows how to repertorise precise and effectively to find the correct homeeopathic medicine.

The course covers various types of cases: acute, epidemic and chronic diseases. The patient example vary from  infants, children, adults and aged patients.

I really liked the motto of this whole course, "Keep it simple". It almost felt like striving to acquire the zen moment in ourselves as homeopaths to calmly recieve and solve  very difficult cases by simplifying it, using the right tools that Dr Hahnemann and great leaders of Homoeopathy has taught us.

Sangeeta Naveen 

The Netherlands

An interview with Dr Veneeth

Dr Veneeth about the additions in the repertory: his Repertory View